The Timbers at Troy Golf Course offers the best of the Maryland countryside. Rolling hills, mature trees, and meandering streams provide the backdrop to a truly enjoyable and challenging golf course, highlighted by spectacular bunkering and bentgrass from tee to green. The layout is a reminder of the beauty of the Greater Baltimore region’s majestic setting. During the winter of 2016-2017, the Timbers underwent a historic renovation that included new, state-of-the-art Billy Bunker sand traps, new irrigation, new cart paths, and clubhouse improvements. The Timbers at Troy is truly Howard County’s premiere public golf experience.
The Timbers’ 206 acres are rich in history. Originally granted to the Dorsey family by Lord Baltimore in 1664, the property later became known as Troy Hill. Members of this prominent family held various official posts in 17th century America and led the Elkridge Militia during the Revolutionary War.
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*Please note, rates are including Carts. If walking, rates will be adjusted at check-in*.